A purchase order (PO) number or any internal reference number that is required by your Accounting Department may now be added to your Velox invoice.

This feature is available to FINANCE USERS and ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATORS.

1. Log in to your Client Dashboard in www.myvelox.com.

2. From the side-bar menu, select Invoices.



3.  A summary is displayed listing the invoices by Invoice Number, Invoice Date and Paid status. 


4. Click on the Invoice Number link to open the invoice you want to update.



5. Once opened, scroll down to the Action buttons at the bottom of the invoice. 

6. Click on Update Invoice button.

7. This opens the Add/Update PO Number window.

8. Enter the PO or Reference Number in the PO # field. Click Update button to save.

9. On successful update, the PO or Reference Number will now be displayed in your Invoices page.

10. The PO or Reference Number will also be visible in your Velox invoice view and PDF download.

Should you need further assistance, please email support@myvelox.com.