1. Answer a direct incoming call by clicking the green Answer button on your Active Calls panel or from the queue by clicking Answer button  on the Queue panel.

2. Once connected, your Action buttons will appear. Click on the Transfer button. 

3. Type in the Extension or number to whom you are transferring the call. 

4. Then, click on the Blind Transfer button.

5. The call will terminate and the calling party will be transferred to the other extension.


1. Answer a direct incoming call by clicking the green Answer button on your Active Calls panel or from the queue by clicking Answer button  on the Queue panel.

2. Once connected, your Action buttons will appear. Click on the Hold button to put caller on Hold. 

3. On your Keypad panel, initiate a new call to the extension or  party to whom you are transferring the call to.


4. The second call will appear on your Active Calls panel.

5. After talking to the receiving extension, terminate the second call by clicking the End call button.

6. Resume the 1st call by clicking the Play again to un-hold the call. 

7. Initiate the transfer by clicking on the Transfer button.

8. Type in the Extension or number to whom you are transferring the call.

9. Then, click on the Blind Transfer button.

10. The call will terminate and the calling party will be transferred to the other extension.