1. If you are on a fire-walled network, please refer to the latest Velox Technical Overview and Deployment document for firewall whitelist requirements before proceeding. 
  2. All app users should upgrade to Velox Prime for Android 1.1.6X or iOS 1.1.9. (This will be automatic for most users and will occur in the background – or prompt the user to upgrade).
  3. Once updated, users must
    1. Open app and log in.
    2. Navigate to “Settings”.
    3. Click the toggle for “Push Gateway”.
    4. Refer below as to what will display ‘prior to update (1)”, “after update (2)” and finally, “after enabling the new Push Gateway (3)”.   A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated

    1. After enabling the new Push Gateway, the app will close and will relaunch prompting the user to log-in again. 
    2. To verify successful switch over, the Push Gateway toggle is enabled and grayed out.  It cannot be disabled so users will not have to worry about accidently reverting.

If there are further concerns or questions, please reach out to support@myvelox.com