What is Phone Display name?
This is the display name on your Velox-issued Grandstream phone or device. By default, this is your extension number. This can be changed by the Account Admin if you are using the Pro Dashboard.
Velox allows you to customise this display name up to 9 characters.
How do I change the Phone Display name?
1. Log into your Velox Client Pro Dashboard (www.myvelox.com) using your Admin credentials.
2. Click on Users from the sidebar.
3. Click on the Edit button on the far right of the User you want to change Display Name for.
4. This opens the Edit User page. On the Edit User page, click on Change Display Name.
5. The Display Name text field will appear. The phone devices have a limit of 9 alpha-numeric character display. So, type in the preferred display name up to 9 characters.
6. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Edit User window to save your changes.
7. Wait about 3-5 minutes to propagate the change in configuration.
8. Reboot or power cycle (unplug from power, wait 1 minute, and plug back in) your phone device.
Note: If the Display Name does not change, feel free to reach out to support@myvelox.com.