When the user cannot hear the person they are calling, you may try the following troubleshooting steps.
- Ensure that the correct audio mode is selected. The icon on the left side of the volume icon indicates which audio mode the app is on. This can either be Headset Mode or Speakerphone Mode. Click on the icon to change the setting.
- Click on the Device setting icon to ensure that the correct device has been connected for the audio mode you have selected.
- On the Devices setting, click on the tab of the Audio Mode of your choice. Select the appropriate device from the drop-down list.
Especially if you are on Windows and recently upgraded to version 10, users may find that their audio devices/sound appear to have stopped working with the Velox Softphone app. It is possible that the Velox Sofphone app has simply lost its association with the audio device(s) you were using due to the changes in the OS upgrade. In the Devices > Audio Mode screen, you will see that the devices selected are set to "none" in the Headset mode, Speakerphone Mode, and Other Devices tabs. Your original devices you were using prior to the Windows upgrade should be available for selection under all three of these tabs in the devices menu. Please set the devices correctly for your situation in all three categories.
- If you still experience audio issues after correctly setting the Volume, Audio Mode, Device Setting, please take a screenshot of your device settings screen and send it to support@myvelox.com together with a description of the issue you are experiencing.