Note: This article only applies to customer domains with a prepaid contract.

1. Log in to your Client Dashboard in

2. From the side-bar menu, select Dashboard. Scroll down to the PrePaid Credits section.

3. Amount. You may choose between two (2) prepaid credits options - $50 or $100.

Note: Velox has a 10% discount for $100 prepaid credits. Pay only $90 for $100 worth of calls.

4. Processing Fee. The applicable processing fees for the credit card transaction. For bank transfers within Singapore, there is no processing fee. For international bank transfer, please refer to your local bank for any applicable local fees.

5. Total Amount. The total amount transacted from your credit card or bank transfer. 

6. Pay By. You may choose to pay by credit card or bank transfer.

7. Credit Card Information. This is the credit card information  to be used when paying by credit card.

8. Reference Number. This is the reference number of the bank transfer transaction.

9. After clicking, Submit. You will be redirected to the Invoices page. A pro-forma invoice is created with the status of "Processing".

10. Your call credits will be topped-up to your account and the invoice status updated to "Invoice Paid" as soon as payment is confirmed by our Billing and Collections department. 

11. If you have questions about your invoice, please email to:

12. For technical concerns, please email to: