Permanent Forward allows you to auto-forward all calls to a DID to another DID or telephone number. The route is set at a DID-level and not at an extension level. This setting can be enabled or disabled through your Velox Dashboard even if you do not have access to any physical phones.
Important Note: Applicable call charges apply to calls forwarded to external numbers.
To view your DID(s):
1.) Log-in to Client Dashboard at using your Admin credentials.
2. ) On the side-bar, click on "System Setup" then "DID(s)".
3.) Choose the DID to set permanent forwarding for and click Edit.
4.) Clicking Edit opens the Edit DID window.
Type in the DID to forward all calls to, then click Enter. If the permanent forward number exists in your Phonebook, simply click on the entry from the dropdown.
To remove an entry, click on the X button indicated below. Click once to clear the Search selection, click for a second time to clear the entry in Permanent Forward.
Note: Always include the country prefix for the permanent forward number even if this is a local number.
Important Note: Enabling permanent forward will disregard the Route to Extension.
Once you have finished, click on Save button to effect your changes.
To explore other Call Forwarding options, click here.