Account Settings is where the Account admin user can manage Dashboard User information and other settings related to the use of the Velox Dashboard. This section can only be accessed by the Account admin.
1. Log in to your Client Dashboard in using your Admin credentials.
2. From the side-bar menu, select Account Settings.
3. This will open the Account Settings page with two main sections.
3.a. Two-Factor Authentication - To learn more about Two-Factor Authentication, click here.
3.b. Dashboard User Information
There are three types of roles in the Velox portal or dashboard.
3.b.1. Account Admin - This is you. You have access to all the sections of the Velox portal/dashboard in order to best support your organization in their use of the Velox installation. Only a Velox support can create, change or remove the Account Admin. But you can have multiple Account Admins in your company if needed and as approved by your internal security and accountability policies.
3.b.2. Finance User - This user has access to the Invoices section to view, download and process payments. To add/create a Finance User, click here.
3.b.3. Basic User - This user only has access to their own Call Detail Report(s). The username will always be <extension-number>@<your-domain-name>.com. To add/create a Basic User, click here.
3.b.4. Team Lead User - This user only has access to the Call Detail Report(s) of her team members. The team is determined by allocated Cost Center. The username will always be <extension-number>@<your-domain-name>.com. To add/create a Team Lead User, click here.