For example, you want to create a Business Hours Rule for 2 call flows.
- During Office Hours (9am to 6pm Mondays to Friday), calls to DID go to a hunt group.
- During Off Hours (6pm onwards Mondays to Fridays and Weekends), calls to DID go to recorded message with office hours and asks caller to leave a voicemail.
Before creating the business hour rules, the different elements need to be prepared.
- Create the call group who will be taking the calls during office hours.
- Record the message for the off-hours voice recording. Make sure the format is .wav.
- Create the off-hours Auto-Attendant. Since we want the caller to leave a voicemail during off-hours, make sure the IVR type selected is IVR to Voicemail. In this step, you will upload the recorded message (.wav) that you prepared in step 2.
Now, you are ready to set up the business hour rules.
Click on System Setup on the Dashboard menu.
Then, click on Business Hour Rule(s).
In the Business Hour Rules page, click on New Rule Set.
The Rule Set ID Number is set by the system. It starts with 1 and increments as you add Rule Sets.
Click on Create New BHR Set. This automatically creates the Default rule in the rule set.
Important: Each rule set comes with a Default rule. This cannot be deleted. In order to delete the entire rule set with the default rule included, click on the Delete Rule Set button.
TIP: For a simple 2 rule call flow, it is recommended to set the Default rule as the "Off-Hours" rule.
Click on Edit to edit the Default rule and set it as the Off-Hours rule.
Under Route, scroll down to the Auto Attendant(s) section section and select the IVR to Voicemail that you created in the preparations section.
Set the Default rule priority to 2. This means, it will run this rule 2nd.
Click Save to apply changes to the Default rule.
Your Off-Hours rule is now in place. Now, you will create the Office Hours rule.
Click on New Individual Rule from the top action buttons on the page.
The Create a new Set Addition page is where you can add an individual rule to your rule set.
- Set = 1. This is because we only created 1 ruleset in the domain. This is the same ruleset as the Default rule. If you have multiple DIDs with multiple call flows, you may have multiple rulesets.
- Description: Office Hours
- Route: To set the route, scroll-down to the Call Group section and select the Call Group you created in the preparations section.
- Priority = 1. This means the system will check this rule first. If the conditions match, the call is directed to this route. If the conditions don't match, the system runs the next set of individual rules.
- Days: Select the Days to which this rule and call flow apply. For this example, Office Hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
- Start Time: Select the Time to start this rule.
- End Time: Select the Time to end this rule. Note: The system follows a 24-hour clock format.
Click Create Set Addition to apply your changes.
Your rules will look something like this.
Finally, you will configure your DID to point to your newly created business rules. Go to the DID page and set the DID route to your rule. In this example, it is bhr1.
Congratulations you have now set-up a simple 2 flow Business Hour Rule in your Velox Dashboard!
For more information about Business Hour Rules,
- For an overview of how Business Hour Rules work, click here.
- To learn more about Setting up Business Hour Rules, click here.
- To create rules for Public Holidays, click here.